Regional push-pull effects exerted on the young population in the province of Quebec, Canada – A longitudinal analysis based on interregional migration trajectories between ages 16 and 33
Emy Bourdages, INRS / Université du Québec
Jacques Ledent, INRS / Université du Québec
Martine St-Amour, Institut de la statistique du Québec
The registration file (FIPA) maintained by the Quebec health insurance board (RAMQ) tracks the residential location of all persons insured–that is, virtually everyone. It is therefore possible to extract appropriate longitudinal datasets, enabling one to follow the interregional migration trajectories of any select age cohort in a given year and henceforth to infer the regional push and pull effects exerted on such a cohort. In particular, a longitudinal dataset extracted for the cohort of the youths who turned 16 in 1998 is used to evaluate the temporal evolution, up to the time they turned 33, of two indicators representative of a region’s push and pull effects and also a third indicator that, as an expression of the balance of these effects, is suggestive of population renewal via interregional migration. Our analysis enables us to draw a spatial typology that gathers Quebec’s 17 administrative regions into four broad zones indicative a twofold logic of geography and urban agglomeration. We also make a strong case that our innovative way of extracting data from an administrative source to analyze interregional migration from a longitudinal perspective could and should be applied to other territories/ countries that maintain population registers or administrative databanks which tracks the residential location of all individuals concerned.
Presented in Session 20: Internal Migration Trajectories and Impacts