Employment Uncertainty and Marital Disruption: Insights from Italy
Niccolò Del Bravo, University of Florence
Jacopo Mazzone, University of Florence
A large number of empirical studies investigated the relationship between employment uncertainty and marital disruption, but they did not found an univocal relationship. This study aims to assess the effects of employment uncertainty – here exemplified by labor market status and type of contract – on marital dissolution in Italy. We applied event history models to data stemming from the nationally representative 2009 Family and Social Subject survey, which contains detailed retrospective information on partnership and employment histories. The results are strongly gender-specific. Women having a remunerated job, even if not necessarily with a permanent contract, display elevated divorce risks. On the contrary, a secure employment represents for men a protection factor for the conjugal bond.
Presented in Session 13: Socioeconomic Differentials in Union Dissolution