Inter-regional migration among international migrants in Sweden: Patterns, drivers and destination
Louisa Vogiazides, Stockholm University
A growing literature examines the mobility of international migrants within their host country. In Sweden, just as in other migrant-receiving countries, the majority of studies focus on immigrants’ short-distance residential mobility within urban areas, assessing its role in shaping residential segregation. The long-distance mobility of the foreign-born population is less prominent in empirical research. To address this gap, the present study explores the patterns, determinants and destination of inter-regional moves among recent immigrant cohorts in Sweden. More specifically, it examines immigrants’ mobility away from their first region of settlement, so-called ‘secondary migration’. The study uses longitudinal geo-coded individual-level register data to follow the residential patterns of newly arrived immigrants over a twelve-year period, from 2004 to 2015. The study proceeds in two steps. First, it applies discrete-time event history analysis to analyze the propensity and timing of secondary migration. In a second step, the study will apply discrete choice modelling to study the destination choices of secondary migrants. The study employs an innovative method to measure the neighbourhood context based on individualized neighbourhoods calculated with the newly developed software EquiPop. EquiPop uses the geo-coded data on individuals’ residence to compute their k-nearest neighbours, where k represents the researcher-defined count of surrounding individuals. The great advantage of this method is that it bypasses the so-called Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP), which is a source of statistical bias affecting any geographical analysis based on arbitrarily defined aggregations of geographical areas.
Presented in Session 68: Internal Migration and Family Dynamics