Aspect of Ethnicity in the Long-Term International Migration of Latvia
Kristine Lece, University of Latvia
Denize Ponomarjova, University of Latvia
Information on the ethnic background of the population is collected at the official level – it is recorded in Population Register (according to the information in birth certificate) as well as collected during the Population Census.
Aim of the study is to analyse the role of ethnicity in migration. Within the study the question - whether the ethnic background impacts long-term international migration - is raised.
Data and methodology: based on the data obtained from Population Register and Population Census 2011 (used to identify those persons who were really living on 01/03/2011 and who were not), the migration structure by ethnicity, country of birth, gender, age and place of residence is examined. An analysis of an international long-term migration over a six-year period has been performed.
Considering the small number of population with particular ethnic background, the study focuses on the two largest ethnic groups - Latvians (62.1% in Census 2011) and Russians (26.9%), whereas the smaller groups are combined in “others”. The point of reference is 01/01/2017.
Census 2011 data on ethnicity were collected from respondents, where 4.4% of the respondents showed a different ethnicity than in the Population Register. To avoid problem of numerator-denominator bias, specifically for this study data on ethnicity were obtained from Register.
Keywords: ethnicity, migration, population, Latvia
Presented in Poster Session 1