Aging Among Immigrants in Italy: An Analysis of Health Conditions
Emanuela Furfaro, Unicatt
Alessandro Rosina, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Maria Chiara Zanarotti, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
In developed countries, population age structure has been reshaping with a shift of relative weight from younger to older groups. In addition to severe population aging, throughout the last decades Italy has witnessed a significant increase in immigration that helped coping with the lack of young Italians, mainly in low-skill jobs, and with elderly care. However, immigrant population will itself grow older with implications on retirement and pensions, as well as on health and on the planning of public health system expenditures. In literature, the comparison between health conditions of native and immigrant population is one of the most debated topics. Using data from the first national survey on Social Condition and Integration of Foreign Citizens, carried out in 2011-2012 by the Italian Institute of Statistics, this contribute focuses on aging of immigrants in Italy with a comparison with native Italians. We consider people aged 50 and above and we consider health status as measured by both subjective and objective indicators, controlling for structural variables such as gender, country of origin, age of immigration and social status.
Presented in Poster Session 3