Session 105:
Impacts of Population Ageing
Chair: Jaap Oude Mulders, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
Quantum and Tempo of Population Ageing: Sub-Regional Processes Marta Mustafina, Charles University
What Is the Contribution of the Educational Expansion on the Demographic Dividend in Europe? Tanja Istenic, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics ; Elisenda Renteria, Center for Demographic Studies ; Jože Sambt, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics ; Guadalupe Souto, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Updating Replacement Migration Estimations in a European Perspective: Prospective Age and Dynamic Definition of Age Groups Daniela Craveiro, SOCIUS, ISEG ; Maria Cristina Gomes, UA ; Jorge Malheiros, IGOT, UL ; Maria João Moreira, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e CEPESE ; Isabel Tiago Oliveira, ISCTE, IUL ; Joao Peixoto, SOCIUS, ISEG
The Elderly in Ageing Societies: Cost Factor or Safety Net? a Comparison of Family Regimes and Intergenerational Transfers in Germany and Japan. Felix Lill, Herr ; Rikiya Matsukura, Nihon University
Other sessions on Ageing and Intergenerational Relations