Saturday, June 9 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM   •   E0.04

Session 115:
Intergenerational Relations and Life Stages

Chair: Luule Sakkeus, Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University

  1. The Demography of Grandparenthood in Italy. Changes across Cohorts and RegionsBruno Arpino, Pompeu Fabra University ; Valeria Bordone, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich ; Giorgio Di Gessa, King's College

  2. The Provision of Support Towards Multiple GenerationsMaria Evandrou, Centre for Research on Ageing, University of Southampton ; Jane Falkingham, Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton ; Madelin Gomez-Leon, RECSM, Pompeu Fabra University ; Athina Vlachantoni, Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton

  3. Late-Life Loneliness Among Men and Women in a Cross-National Context: A Gendered Life Course ApproachMaja Djundeva, Erasmus University Rotterdam ; Tineke Fokkema, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute

  4. Health Status, Informal Care and Well-Being of Older People in Selected European CountriesAnita Abramowska-Kmon, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics ; Maja Rynko, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics ; Wojciech Latkowski, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics

Other sessions on Ageing and Intergenerational Relations