Session 24:
Persistence of the Past
Chair: Mikolaj Szoltysek, University of Warsaw
Inequalities at the Brussels Graveyard. Residential and Socio-Economic Mortality Differences in the Belgian Capital, 1910 Patrick Deboosere, VUB ; Isabelle Devos, University of Ghent ; Tina Van Rossem, VUB
Transgenerational Effect on Reproduction Based on Parish Registers from the 17th–19th Century Bohemia Alice Velková, Faculty of Science, Charles Univeristy
Ancestral Agro-Ecological Endowments and Missing Women: The Role of Historical Resource Scarcity in Modern Gender Inequality Gautam Hazarika, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Role of Colonial History in Shaping Populations in Africa Joan Ryan, University of Pennsylvania
Other sessions on History