Friday, June 8 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM   •   D2.01 Promotiezaal

Session 59:
Population Forecasting

Chair: Christina Bohk-Ewald, University of Amsterdam

  1. A Modified Lee-Carter Method Adjusting for Smoothing and Lifespan DisparityAhbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi, University of Padua ; Stefano Mazzuco, University of Padova

  2. Forecasting Mortality Using Statistical MomentsMarius Pascariu, University of Southern Denmark

  3. Forecasting Age and Sex Schedules of Mortality By Cause of DeathArkadiusz Wisniowski, Social Statistics, University of Manchester

  4. Extending the Lee-Carter Model to the Three Components of Human MortalityUgofilippo Basellini, Department of Public Health, SDU ; Carlo Giovanni Camarda, Institut national d’études démographiques (INED)

  5. Creating Subnational Population Forecasts for Multiple Geographies: Existing and New ApproachesTom Wilson, Charles Darwin University

Other sessions on Data and Methods