Session 49:
Work and Family Trajectories over the Lifecourse
Chair: Anna Matysiak, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU), Vienna Institute of Demography/Austrian Academy of Sciences
Labour Market Participation after the Transition to Lone Parenthood: A Life Course Mixed Method Approach Laura Bernardi, University of Lausanne ; Emanuela Struffolino, WZB Berlin and Humboldt University of Berlin
Persistence in Women’s Work-Family Life Course Trajectories across Generations in Germany Karsten Hank, University of Cologne ; Marita Jacob, University of Cologne ; Philipp Lersch, University of Cologne ; Sergi Vidal, Centre for Demographic Studies
Women's Work Trajectories across the Life Course: Early Life Influences Federica Querin, Princeton University
Changes across Cohorts in Work-Family Histories and Extended Working Lives: Evidence from the United Kingdom. Laurie Corna, King's College London ; Giorgio Di Gessa, King's College ; Karen Glaser, King's College London ; Peggy McDonough, University of Toronto ; Loretta Platts, Stress Research Institute Stocholm ; Debora Price, University of Manchester ; Amanda Sacker, University College London ; Rachel Stuchbury, Celsius, UCL ; Diana Worts, University of Toronto
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