Session 97:
Childhood Experiences, Parental Investment and Intergenerational Mobility
Chair: Clara Mulder, University of Groningen, Population Research Centre
Ability and Mobility. the Relative Influence of Skills and Social Origin on Life Course Destinies Gosta Esping-Andersen, Pompeu Fabra U.
The Impact of Parental Death on Sons' Status Attainment and Chances for Upward Mobility in the Netherlands, 1850-1952 Matthias Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Radboud University Nijmegen
Social Background and Risky Demographic Behaviour. a Cross-National Analysis of the Role of Parental Education, Growing up without Both Parents and Sibling Size Aart Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW)
Parental Investments into Children: Does Parents’ Job Flexibility Matter? Roma Keister, Warsaw School of Economics ; Iga Magda, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
Trends in Intergenerational Educational Mobility in the 20th Century: A Comparison between East Asia, West Europe and North America Hao Dong, Princeton University ; Yu Xie, Princeton University
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