Diversity in the Parity-Specific Patterns of Fertility Decline in Urban and Rural Areas of the Developing World
Mathias Lerch, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Despite fast urban fertility decline in all countries, the behavioral patterns varied significantly. Family limitation was the norm in Asia and, to a lesser extent, in Latin America. But across sub-Saharan Africa and in selected countries of Central America, the onset of the fertility transition was driven by birth limitation at several parities. This balanced fertility decline was often maintained later on, leading to a strong heterogeneity in completed family size. In rural areas, fertility dropped because of a process of family limitation in both Asia and Latin America, but the parity-specific diffusion of stopping behaviors was faster in the former when compared to the latter continent. In sub-Saharan Africa, by contrast, rural fertility decline remained concentrated at the highest parities. These important differences in behavioral changes are discussed with regards to the socioeconomic inequalities within cities and the remoteness of rural areas.
Presented in Poster Session 4