Poster Session 4
Chair: Nico van Nimwegen, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW)/ EAPS
Gender Preference and Fertility Intention in the Low-Fertility Setting of Tehran, Iran Maliheh Alimondegari, Yazd university ; Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, National Institute of Population Research (NIPR)
One-Way or Return? Explaining Group-specific Return Intentions of Recently Arrived Polish and Turkish Immigrants in Germany Jan-Philip Steinmann, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Social Capital and Wellness Among Older Adults Live Alone: Findings from Share and HRS Jinmoo Heo, Yonsei University ; Chung-Sup Lee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ; Sunwoo Lee, Palacky University Olomouc ; Jungsu Ryu, University of Georgia
Ethnic Diversity and Its Effects on Social Capital in Germany Sarah Ludwig-Dehm, The Pennsylvania State University
Perceived Values of Children and Their Impact on Fertility Desires and Intentions in Poland Christoph Bein, NIDI ; Anne H. Gauthier, NIDI ; Monika Mynarska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Aged Neighborhoods, Youth Neighborhoods: A Dynamic Geography of Aging and Rejuvenation in Large Spanish Metropolitan Areas Fernando Gil-Alonso, Universitat de Barcelona ; Isabel Pujadas-Rúbies, Universitat de Barcelona ; Jenniffer Thiers-Quintana, Universitat de Barcelona
Women’s Wages and Fertility Revisited. Evidence from a Country with Good Data Tom Kornstad, Research Dep., Statistics Norway
Diversity in the Parity-Specific Patterns of Fertility Decline in Urban and Rural Areas of the Developing World Mathias Lerch, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Perceived and Local Sex Ratios Andreas Filser, University of Oldenburg ; Richard Preetz, University of Oldenburg
Illegitimacy and Nuptiality and Their Role in the Victorian Fertility Decline in England and Wales Eilidh Garrett, University of Essex ; Hannaliis Jaadla, University of Cambridge ; Alice Reid, University of Cambridge
Mobile Phones, Digital Inequality and Fertility: Longitudinal Evidence from Malawi Francesco C. Billari, Bocconi University ; Valentina Rotondi, Bocconi University ; Jenny Trinitapoli, University of Chicago
Research and Testing to Inform Decision on the Inclusion or Exclusion of a Sexual Identity Question in the 2021 Census in England and Wales Amie Kamanda, Office for National Statistics
Job Quality and Employment of Older Workers: Evidence from the Recent SHARE Data Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak, Warsaw School of Economics
Internet and Partnership Formation in the United States Ridhi Kashyap, University of Oxford ; Maria Sironi, University College London
Unpacking attitudes on immigrants and refugees: a four-country comparison Rozane De Cock, KU Leuven ; David De Coninck, KU Leuven ; Marlies Debrael, KU Leuven ; Leen d’Haenens, KU Leuven ; Koen Matthys, Family and Population Studies, Centre for Sociological Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, KU Leuven
Time Effects and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality: an Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of the Last 200 Years in Southern Sweden Enrico Debiasi, Center for Economic Demography and Department of Economic History, Lund University ; Martin Dribe, Center for Economic Demography and Department of Economic History, Lund University
Living Arrangements of Young Adults after a First Union Dissolution: Evidence from Belgium Benjamin Marteau, Institut national d’études démographiques (INED)
Determinants of Contraceptive Use By Method Choice Among Unmarried Adolescents in Nigeria: A Multinomial Regression Analysis Mark Hayter, University of Hull ; Monica Magadi, University of Hull ; Franklin Onukwugha, University of Hull
Patterns of Pregnancy Termination According to Contraceptive Use José Antonio Ortega, University of Salamanca ; David Antonio Sánchez-Páez, University of Salamanca
Spatial Patterns of Non-Marital Births: A View on the Second Demographic Transition in Serbia Daniela Arsenovic, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences ; Branislav Bajat, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics ; Vladimir Nikitovic, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade
Urban Environment and Mortality Differentials in Southern Spain Rosa Canovas, Institute for Cartography and Statistics Andalusia ; Dariya Ordanovic, ESRI Spain ; Diego Ramiro-Fariñas, Spanish National Research Counsel (CSIC) ; Francisco Viciana, Junta de Andalucia ; Mathias Voigt, EU ITN Marie CurieLongpop project
Family, Work, and Spatial Mobility: Subjective Well-Being of Commuting Couples Ana Brömmelhaus, Oldenburg University ; Michael Feldhaus, Oldenburg University ; Monika Schlegel, Oldenburg University
The Things You Would Do to Buy Winter Shoes. How Older Widows Manage Their Finances? Sylwia Timoszuk, Warsaw School of Economics
Is the Association between Education and Fertility Postponement Causal? Examining the Role of Family Background Factors in Different Contexts Jornt Mandemakers, Utrecht University ; Felix Tropf, University of Oxford
Geographic and Socio-Demographic Determinants of Suicide Mortality. the Case of Andalusia 1980-2014 Juan Manuel García González, Universidad Pablo de Olavide ; Rafael Grande, Universidad de Málaga
Projection of Fertility Indicators Using MCMC Technique in the Bayesian Inference Pramendra Singh Pundir, University of Allahabad ; Abhinav Singh, University of Allahabad ; Anurag Verma, Banaras Hindu University
Higher Education Students’ Choices Forecasts in Portugal: Insights to Evaluate the Impact of Rural Depopulation Rita Freitas, CIDEHUS.UE, University of Évora ; Maria Filomena Mendes, CIDEHUS.UE, University of Évora ; Filipe Ribeiro, CIDEHUS.UE, University of Évora ; Lidia Patricia Tome, CIDEHUS.UE, University of Évora
Living Arrangements after Marital and Cohabitation Dissolution Zuzana Zilincikova, Masaryk University
The Changing Meaning of Aging: Historical Trends and Forecasts Maria Filomena Mendes, CIDEHUS.UE, University of Évora ; Filipe Ribeiro, CIDEHUS.UE, University of Évora ; Lidia Patricia Tome, CIDEHUS.UE, University of Évora
Transnational Household Strategies and the Circulation of Care: A Comparative Analysis between the Brazil-Portugal and Brazil-USA Migration Systems Alisson Barbieri, Cedeplar/UFMG ; Gilvan Guedes, Cedeplar/UFMG ; Nuni Vieira Jorgensen, Médecins Sans Frontières ; Gisela Zapata, Federal University of Minas Gerais