Family, Work, and Spatial Mobility: Subjective Well-Being of Commuting Couples
Ana Brömmelhaus, Oldenburg University
Michael Feldhaus, Oldenburg University
Monika Schlegel, Oldenburg University
Previous research show that commuting often comes along with higher stress, exhausting, less time for partners and children. With respect to the life course approach and work-life-balance theory, we argue that these negative outcomes also influences the dynamics of related social relationships living together in the same household. While most of the papers focus on the commuting person, less is known how it affects the subjective well-being of other members of the household, here the partner. This paper contributes to this research gap by analysing the interdependencies of commuting behaviour between parents in regard to their overall as well as domain-specific well-being. Two hypothesis were analysed: the spillover and the crossover effect. For the following analysis we use pooled data from three waves of the German Family Panel (pairfam; Huinink et al. 2011) which includes standardized information about working conditions and job-related mobility as well as family dynamics from both parental perspectives. The resulting subsample has N= 2443 dyads in families. Well-being is measured among five dimensions: first of all the overall well-being of life satisfaction, and in addition to that, available data allows to have a more differentiated picture by including other domain-specific well-being, such as health well-being, satisfaction with family life, with partnership, and social activities with friends.
Presented in Poster Session 4