Stopping, Spacing and Postponing in the British Fertility Transition: Insights from Census Data
Eilidh Garrett, University of Essex
Hannaliis Jaadla, University of Cambridge
Alice Reid, University of Cambridge
Ian Timæus, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
First, we calculate age-specific fertility rates using the own children method, for each census year and for regional and social groups. Second, we use the age of the youngest child as an indicator of stopping behaviour, exploring proportions of women with the youngest child over a certain age (eg 5 or 10 years), by age of mother. This also allows us to compare different census years as well as regional patterns and different social groups. Our final method is only available for the 1911 census which asked about the children ever born and dead children of married women. We impute the ages of dead and absent children and thereby reconstruct full birth histories which can be used to estimate duration-specific fertility rates, parity progression ratios, and indices of the length of birth intervals. Initial explorations suggest that widespread stopping at low parities may only have emerged later in the twentieth century. Results for regions and social groups will be produced and the implications for theories of fertility control will be discussed.
Presented in Session 82: New Perspectives on Fertility Transition