Session 82:
New Perspectives on Fertility Transition
Chair: Aart Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW)
Stopping, Spacing and Postponing in the British Fertility Transition: Insights from Census Data Eilidh Garrett, University of Essex ; Hannaliis Jaadla, University of Cambridge ; Alice Reid, University of Cambridge ; Ian Timæus, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Rich Fathers Are Never Too Old to Have a Child: A Lesson of the Past for the Present Marco Breschi, University of Sassari ; Alessio Fornasin, University of Trieste ; Matteo Manfredini, University of Parma ; Stanislao Mazzoni, University of Sassari
The Sexuality-Reproduction Nexus and the Three Demographic Transitions: An Integrative Framework Nikolai Botev, UNFPA
Status and Settler Fertility in Transition: Evidence from Nineteenth Century South Africa Jeanne Cilliers, Lund University
Fertility Transition in 19th and Early 20th Century Hungary: Spatial and Social Differences at the Micro-Level, a Comparative Study Péter Ori, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute
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