Session 40:
Fertility Intentions and Realizations
Chair: Monika Mynarska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
The Gap between Lifetime Fertility Intentions and Completed Fertility in Europe and the United States: A Cohort Approach Eva Beaujouan, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Caroline Berghammer, WIC/VID/OEAW/University of Vienna
The Realization of First Child Intentions Among Exogamous and Endogamous Couples in Australia Helga de Valk, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW) ; Mattia Oliviero, University of Trento
From Intention to Behavior: Having a Child and Transitions in Multiple Life Domains Danilo Bolano, University of Lausanne ; Maria Rita Testa, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU)
Educational Differentials in the Realization of the Intention to Have a Second Child in Italy. Francesca Fiori, University of Edinburgh ; Elspeth Graham, University of St Andrews ; Francesca Rinesi, ISTAT Italian National Institute of Statistics
Other sessions on Fertility