Saturday, June 9 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM   •   D0.03

Session 118:
Routes to Parenthood

Chair: Ann Evans, Australian National University

  1. Local Childcare Availability and Dual-Earner Fertility - Variation in Childcare Coverage and Birth Hazards over Place and TimeKarel Neels, University of Antwerp ; Jonas Wood, University of Antwerp

  2. Explaining the Unexpected Decline of Teenage Fertility in England: An Ecological StudyAnn Berrington, University of Southampton ; Katie L Heap, University of Southampton ; Roger Ingham, University of Southampton

  3. Does the Self-Identifier Matter? Self-Identifying As Having a Fertility Problem and Depressive Symptoms Among U.S. Couples Arthur Greil, Alfred University ; Julia McQuillan, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  4. The Impact of Early Childcare Trajectories on Subsequent Fertility: The Case of FranceQuentin Francou, ENSAE ; Lidia Panico, Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques ; Anne Solaz, INED

Other sessions on Fertility