Poster Session 2
Fertility, Mobility, and Educational Reproduction: A New Method to Estimate Prospective Models Using Retrospective Data Thomas Leopold, University of Amsterdam ; Jan Skopek, Trinity College Dublin
Modelling the Long-Term Dynamics of Population Structures. the Reference Age Structure Gustavo De Santis, University of Florence ; Giambattista Salinari, University of Sassari
Early Work Exit in Low and High Socioeconomic Groups: The Influence of Health Sascha de Breij, VU University Medical Center ; Dorly Deeg, VU University Medical Center ; Moritz Hess, Technische Universität Dortmund ; Daniel Holman, University of Sheffield ; Jana Mäcken, University of Cologne ; Jeevitha Yogachandiran Qvist, Aalborg University
It`s getting late today, please do the laundry - the influence of womens commuting on the distribution of household labor Stefanie Kley, University of Hamburg ; Anna Stenpaß, University of Hamburg
Residential Insecurity, Socio-Demographic Heterogeneity and the European Housing Systems Alda B. Azevedo, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa ; Julián López-Colás, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics ; Juan A. Módenes, Dept. of Geography, UNIV. AUTÒN. DE BARCELONA
Documenting Cross-National Comparability of Longitudinal Surveys: The Online Codebook and Analysis of the Generations and Gender Programme Arianna Caporali, Institut national d’études démographiques (INED)
Childbearing By Educational Level in Sweden Karin Lundström, Statistics Sweden ; Johan Tollebrant, Statistics Sweden
Couples’ Employment Characteristics and Fertility in Italy Francesca Berti, University of Florence ; Ilaria Landini, University of Florence
Unplanned Postponement of First and Second Birth in the Czech Republic Jirina Kocourková, Department of Demography and Geodemography, Faculty of Science, Charles University ; Jitka Slabá, Department of Demography and Geodemography, Faculty of Science, Charles University ; Anna Stastna, Department of Demography and Geodemography, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Implications of Educational Attainment for the Future Population of the Netherlands Viviënne Haring, University of Groningen ; Carel Harmsen, Statistics Netherlands ; Lenny Stoeldraijer, University of Groningen ; Coen van Duin, Statistics Netherlands
An integrative analysis of sibling influences on adult children's caregiving for parents Dimitri Mortelmans, University of Antwerp ; Jorik Vergauwen, University of Antwerp
Mobility, Social Class and Fertility Transition in England and Wales, 1851–1911 Eilidh Garrett, University of Essex ; Hannaliis Jaadla, University of Cambridge ; Alice Reid, University of Cambridge
Impact Assessment of Asylum Procedures across the European Union Daniela Ghio, European Commission JRC ; Ciro Gioia, European Commission JRC ; Francesco Sermi, European Commission JRC ; Dario Tarchi, European Commission JRC
Employment, Income and Divorce – What Can We Learn from Causal Analysis? Daniel Brüggmann, Hertie School of Governance
Analysing Wargentin's (1717-1782) Survival Function: The Data of Tabellverket and a Probabilistic Theory Nathalie le Bouteillec, Ined ; Elisabeth Morand, Ined
Reasons for Immigration: Different Patterns in the Nordic Countries and the Netherlands Minja Tea Dzamarija, Statistics Norway ; Han Nicolaas, Statistics Netherlands
Temporal Variation in Summer Heat-Attributable Mortality in Spain Hicham Achebak, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Daniel Devolder, Centre of Demographic Studies (Barcelona)
Fertility and Marriage. Observations Based on Slovakian Data. Karol Pastor, Comenius University Bratislava
Taking Drugs or Having a Few Drags? Evidence of Rising Rates of Inhalant Use Among European Adolescents during the Economic Crisis Nicoletta Balbo, Bocconi University ; Piergiorgio Carapella, Catholic University of Milan
It's about Time: The Interrelationship between Partnership Transitions, Residential Mobility and Housing Tenure Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews ; Julia Mikolai, University of St Andrews
Spousal Intimate pure relationship and below-replacement fertility intentions and preferences Amir Erfani, Nipissing University ; Roya Jahanbakhsh, University of Tehran
Global Trends in Lifespan Inequality: 1950-2015 Iñaki Permanyer, Center for Demographic Studies ; Nathalie Scholl, Center for Demographic Studies
Migration Stocks and Flows during Armed Conflict: New Questions and Evidence from an Agent-Based Model in Nepal Michelle O'Brien, University of Washington ; Nathalie Williams, University of Washington
I’ve Changed My Mind. Intentions to be Childless, Their Stability and Their Realization in the Short-Run. Elisa Brini, University of Trento
Too Much Breaks the Bag. Health Consequences of Combining Grandparental Childcare with Other Caregiving Roles Bruno Arpino, Pompeu Fabra University ; Madelin Gomez-Leon, RECSM, Pompeu Fabra University
External Causes of Death in Scotland: How Much Do They Contribute to Increasing Variation in Age-at-Death? Rosie Seaman, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Individual Values as a Factor of Relationship Stability in Europe: A GGS Study Dmitry Zakotyansky, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Long Term Care System: Is There Proximity between Supply and Demand in France? Amélie Carrère, Université Paris Dauphine
Location Dynamics of Unipersonal Households in the MAIN Spanish Metropoles Cristina López Villanueva, University of Barcelona ; Isabel Pujadas-Rúbies, Universitat de Barcelona ; Jenniffer Thiers-Quintana, Universitat de Barcelona
The Difference between Soviet and Post-Soviet Generations' Transitions to Adulthood in Russia Ekaterina Mitrofanova, National Research University Higher School of Economics
The Importance of Migrant Networks. A Comparison of Senegalese Migration to Europe (MAFE) and Mexican Migration to the US (MMP) Pau Baizan, ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra ; Elisabeth K. Kraus, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)
Spatial Aggregation of Unconventional Reproductive Timing: Neighbourhood Influence in Question Mathieu Buelens, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancy and Girl's Education: Evidence from Latin America and Lessons from the UK Bilal Barakat, Wittgenstein Centre (VID/OEAW, IIASA) ; Melissa Caldeira Brant de Souza Lima, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA,WU, VID/OEAW)
The Paradox of Early Marriage Trend in China: Skewed Sex Ratio and Reshuffling Marriage Market Yingchun Ji, Shanghai University ; Hao Liu, Renmin University of China
Preference or Indifference? Parents and the Sex Composition of Children. Malgorzata Mikucka, UCL ; Ester Rizzi, Université catholique de Louvain
Partner Selection in a Late 19th Century Urban Setting: Census-Based Evidence from Tartu, Estonia Mark Gortfelder, Tallinn University ; Hannaliis Jaadla, University of Cambridge ; Martin Klesment, Tallinn University
Patterns of Disability Among Older Australians: Results from Microsimulation Dynoptasim Heather Booth, School of Demography/The Australian National University ; Sophie Pennec, School of Demography/The Australian National University
Gender Equality across Generations. Does Grandparents Education Affect Couples' Division of Parental Leave? Johan Dahlberg, Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA) ; Sofi Ohlsson Wijk, Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA)
Within and Beyond National Borders: How Administrative Linked Data Can Revive Internal Migration Studies Matthieu Solignac, Univ. Bordeaux; INED
The Contrasting Perceptions of Long-Distance Commuting Mothers: The Importance of the Family Context Heiko Rüger, Federal Institute for Population Research ; Gil Viry, University of Edinburgh
Make It or Break It? How Non-Standard Employment Affects Marriage and Relationship Breakdown Among Cohabiting Unions in Germany and Australia Inga Lass, University of Melbourne